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> cargo install awesome-app

Create New App

> awesome-app new my-app

Code With Hot Reload

> cd my-app > awesome-app dev# Hot reload UI & Tauri

Get Full Application



At a very high level, AWESOME-APP is about providing a complete and common system architecture for building high-quality and high-performing desktop, mobile, and cloud applications with Rust.

Why? Because we think Rust is a transformative language, environment, and ecosystem that provides the necessary building blocks for building next generation desktop, mobile, and cloud applications.

The "Cargo" way to think about it, is that AWESOME-APP is about making desktop, mobile, and cloud Cargo features.

The key concept of this approach is to be Code Design First and Framework Last.

Short/Medium term:

  • Reshape - awesome-app reshape to rename the first and second-level entities (i.e., Project and Task).

  • Label - Add Label entity to the template-app-base for showing an many-to-many code patterns.

  • Base App Enhancements - Click title to edit, project delete, ...

  • 3 level entities - Add a top-level object Workspace, which will allow the base application to be reshaped to more use cases (i.e., Server - Channel - Message for a chat app).

  • More videos and demo apps - A lot more videos on building demo apps with awesome-app, and even coding sessions when I implement the feature above in the CLI or App template code.

Bigger future items:

  • Mobile - Add mobile support when Tauri 2.0.

  • Cloud - Add cloud option with Axum, SQLx, Postgres, and Kubernetes. Enhance base app code to support "job/queue" system design, and advance Authorization scheme at the model layer that can be turned on when targetting Cloud. Using Kubernetes from Development to deployment with kdd.

  • Architecture & Code Design Documentation - Common architecture, code design, and best practices for building desktop, mobile, and cloud applications.

more soon...